Marisol Pesantes | Gallstones

Marisol Pesantes
Carabayllo Primary Care Center EsSalud Paul Nogier
Complementary Medicine Service
Carabayllo, North Lima, Peru, South America

  I came first to the Homa Therapy sessions because of my son, who was very shy. When he had to do presentations at school he did not do very well. But, when he started coming to the Homa Therapy sessions with Dr. Torres and taking Agnihotra ash, he started to explain well, getting good grades and associate well with his peers. Now he is very well and he has lost all that fear. Continue reading “Marisol Pesantes | Gallstones”

Agnihotra and Coronavirus


By Dr. Ulrich Berk

Agnihotra and Coronovirus

Corona Virus – How can Agnihotra Help?

The problems caused by a worldwide infection of people by this novel coronavirus SARS- CoV2 affect everybody. Of course we all should follow the rules of at least slowing down the spreading of this virus, like social distancing, washing hands often, etc.
What else can we do? Continue reading “Agnihotra and Coronavirus”