Eduardo Vasquez Vasquez | Gastritis & Fatty Liver

Piura, Peru
South America

fatty liver

“I am 63 years old and a farmer. I’m practicing Homa Therapy since February 2011. I have come to practice Homa Therapy within the department of Complementary Medicine in the Hospital Reategui of Piura.”

“I had fatty liver, chronic otitis and suffered from gastritis. I started the practice of Agnihotra in February in this Hospital with the help of Prof. Cesar Gonzales and other distinguished persons who share Agnihotra here every day. Then I’ve started doing it mainly at home.”

“I also had trouble sleeping. There were days I could not sleep and had to take pills. But since I’m doing Homa I have no problems sleeping, I sleep normally and I have no anxiety as before. I have no more gastritis and I can eat citrus fruits without any problems. Before my stomach would burn.”

“As a farmer and I have experimented with Agnihotra in my farm, since we were told that we should only believe what we experience. I had a few animals (chickens) that were dying and I asked myself: “what can I do?” I did not like to buy so many drugs, so I put some Agnihotra ash into their water. I was not believing, I just wanted to see what happened and YES, it is true – the Agnihotra ash heals! I gave the animals Agnihotra solution 2, 3 times and I did not inject them any drugs and they simply got healed.”

“The truth is that Homa has filled my life with health. I practice it and try to explain it to the people the best way I can. And I am very grateful.”

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