Cesar Obando | High Blood Pressure

(Photo: Mr. Cesar Obando with his wife Nancy practicing Agnihotra.)

Cesar Obando
Piura, Peru, South America

      "I am 61 years old. Before I came to Homa Therapy, the cardiologist diagnosed me with a heart larger than usual and with blocked arteries. I had to buy a series of pills and spent an average of 700.00 Soles (about US $ 200.00) monthly. I took these pills.
   My wife came to Homa Therapy in the Reategui Hospital in Piura, but I used to wait outside for her.

However, when I saw that she got well with the Homa Fires, I also started to participate. The doctor had prescribed me rest. I could no work nor practice any sports. But my passion is sport and I needed to work because if I didn’t work, there was no food.
  2 or 3 years earlier, the doctor had diagnosed me with high blood pressure and I was supposed to take pills for life. I was following this treatment. However, the heart problem aggravated and the cardiologist prescribed me a stronger pill for the pressure.
     But thanks to Homa Therapy, I could stop taking all these pills. I constantly come to the Homa Therapy sessions. My focus is Agnihotra and I feel completely well. I take Agnihotra ash with my breakfast, lunch and dinner.
My blood pressure is completely normal. The Therapeutic Yoga Exercises and sports also have helped me."

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