Betty Andrade’s Story

Guayaquil, Ecuador
South America


“My son has been seeing psychologists and the best professionals in Guayaquil since he was a small child. Thank God, we could finance this, because this was very expensive, but we did not know any more what to do with him. Up to 3 times a week he had to go to the psychologist. We, my husband and I, in spite of being professionals in education, could not manage him. My husband was a university professor, but it was impossible for him to deal with our son.”

“The boy was very aggressive, many times he had ‘anger attacks’ to the point that he threw chairs at us. In his studies, he was very careless. From the first to the fourth year of High School, our son failed in all subjects, except in ‘Recreation.’
When he was in his fourth High School year, I had the opportunity to learn and practice Homa Therapy. After two months of practicing Agnihotra continuously, my son passed all the exams without failing in a single subject and he entered the fifth year. This was a surprise for the whole school and for the professors. And in his sixth year, his grades were so good that he was among the top students who graduated.
Now, my son is studying very responsibly Systems Engineering in the University of Guayaquil.
Homa Therapy really has helped us. I regularly practice Agnihotra every day.
After practising Agnihotra regularly for two months, my son said goodbye to the psychologists and never again had “anger attacks”. Now, he is a very lovely young man with healthy attitude.”

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