Hernan Melo Garcia | Paraplegia

Hernan Melo Garcia
Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia

   I am 44 years old. I heard about Homa Therapy 4 years ago through the Yoga professors, Endir and Diana. At that time I was in a constant spiritual quest. I had gone through various religious organizations, but the practice of Homa Therapy filled me completely, because I felt Peace; that peace which I did not find elsewhere.

Photo: Hernan Melo
with his son Martin

15 years ago, working in the Army, I was shot. There were four bullets and one of them severed the spinal cord. Since then, I have not been able to walk. The condition of being paraplegic also brings collateral damage to the urinary system, digestive system, osteo-muscular atrophy, etc. All this deteriorates the health and affects the quality of life.

I have a tube 24 hours a day, so I get a lot of bacteria into my bladder and this caused me health problems, infections, fever, etc.
    With Homa Therapy, I felt strengthened. Although I only practice Agnihotra twice or thrice times a week, I take the Agnihotra ash daily. And now, I do not suffer any more from these problems.
    I tell this my colleagues who are with the same disability and have similar problems because of the permanent catheter. Usually, one needs to take antibiotics regularly. Now, I have 3 years without using any antibiotics.
  Homa Therapy is an integral therapy. It helps the mental and physical parts.
There is also the case of my son Martin who is 3 years old. He is my stepson, but I love him as if he were my own. He had a close experience with the Homa Fire when he still was in the mothers’ womb and Mother Irma Garcia came to visit. The 4-months pregnant mother participated in the mandala workshops and in sunset Agnihotra. The unborn received the healing radiation of the Homa Fires. At the age of two months, it turned out that the baby had a heart condition; he was born with a single ventricle. He then was operated and hospitalized for a year. They did two open-heart surgeries in the city Medellin. Most children who are operated with this condition do not survive, but he did. He takes the Agnihotra ash and accompanies me, whenever possible during Agnihotra. He likes it very much. He plays, runs, jumps, but he may need another surgery later on.

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