Eduardo More More’s Healing

Piura, Peru
South America

High Blood Pressure

I am 67 years old. I suffered a stroke and at that moment I came to know about my high blood pressure. That happened 3 years ago. Then, for the past 8 years I suffered with a constant ringing in my ears. The thrombosis left me nearly deaf in one ear, l barely could hear the sounds and they seemed to come from far away. I went to the Social Security Hospital and was prescribed pills for high blood pressure and I was sent to an ENT Doctor. I also received ear washings but there was no improvement.

Due to these problems I could not work and I had to live with that constant ringing in my ears. Every time I sat down or went to rest and then got up, I felt pain in both ankles and was limping, and after taking about 10 steps that disappeared. Through a friend, who is a Technician in the Army, I came to the Homa Therapy in the Hospital Reategui and I had my first experience after two days of participating in the healing Agnihotra fire and taking its ash. During the fire I had felt some tingling around both ankles. The next day, after having been sitting reading the newspaper for an hour, I got up and I realized that I was walking normally and this was a result of Homa Therapy. The pain in the ankles was gone. In relation to my ear problem, the ringing on the right side disappeared after 4 days with Homa Therapy and now, after one week the ringing has disappeared in both ears. All I feel now is some weak ringing on the top of the head.

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