South America
“Due to a stroke, which came without a previous warning from one day to the other, and thanks to him I could see the other side of this physical life, I was unconscious for 17 days. I was transferred in an ambulance to the capital Santiago, where I was interned in the Clinic of the Catholic University where 5 doctors had gathered to study my case.”
“Meanwhile, on another plane, I fought with my father, who had died years ago, to leave me in peace and to let me return to this side, because I had to take care of my little daughter. I told him not to take me with him, because I have to take care of her.”
“While the doctors were operating on my brain I had an unforgettable experience. I left my body and I was floating. I thought: I am not planning to die, I don’t like cemeteries, I won’t die.
17 days after the operation the doctors determined with my mothers authorization to disconnect me from the machines.”
“I was in the Intensive Care Unit when I was visited by my cousins Francisco and Cecilia, practitioners of the Homa Fires. They began to talk to me about things I liked, like walking on the beach, listening to the sound of the ocean, I liked that and I came closer. Then from above, I saw how my brother and my mother came close to my body and they promised me clothes, trips and other trivial things. When they talked to me I ascended higher and I was walking on the way of light to reach the other side and not to return to the body. It was a place without desires, I felt glory. Only God knows how much time I passed in that state.”
“Then something unusual happened. Francisco had eaten a salad with cucumbers and tomatoes for lunch and that was when I recovered my sense of smell. It felt so much desire to eat that salad that little by little I entered into my body. Little by little I was returning. I began to see with my physical eyes, but I could not move. The doctors diagnosed me for a clinical bed or a wheelchair for life.”
“When I was released from the hospital, my body was a disaster. Saliva was drooling from my mouth and I had to be tied to the wheelchair in order not to fall from it. In this instant, thanks to Divine Grace, I received the healing fire of HOMA Therapy.”
“Several healing fires were done for me and I took the Agnihotra ash. Little by little I felt encouraged and after two months I was walking. Thanks to HOMA Therapy today, seven years later, I live with my eight year-old daughter and I lead a normal life. I am handling all the duties of the house and the only sequel left is a small limping in one leg. But I can think, speak, take care of my daughter and I feel very happy for the unique experience of having known the Healing Fires.”