Bogota, Colombia
South America
pterygium (fibrovascular growth on the eye ball)
“I am 46 years old. After I came to my first Agnihotra session, while I was returning home, I lost something sticky from my eye. I looked at myself in the mirror and found that I had lost most of the pterygium (outgrowth on the eye). That was a miracle. It happened with the first Agnihotra. Only a little bit is left.”
“We found Agnihotra so magic, so good, and so beautiful that we decided to practice it at sunrise and sunset. I was continuously telling my husband “love, take the Agnihotra ash”, because he suffered from rhinitis. After a few days, when he realized that he did not have any more problems, he looked for the ash by himself. He was suffering from rhinitis for more than 20 years and in less than 3 weeks it was taken care of.”
“Also, there is more harmony in the house. I have noticed a psychological change within me. I suffered a lot since childhood. My father was an alcoholic and womanizer. He left my mother with 6 children for another lady.”

Azucena Perez (behind) with her husband Miguel Angel Lasprilla at Agnihotra
“When this happened, my mother gave us some poison to put an end to everything, but a lady walked into the house and saved us. Still, my mother was very nervous and worried because of our financial situation. So I was psychologically very disturbed, although I have searched for help and utilized many therapies, including Yoga. Now I have found the Peace in my Heart and Light in my mind. This happened with the Agnihotra fire. After all, I still have the same home, the same husband, the same situation, but I could not be grateful and peaceful. Now I feel very happy; I have everything, I have my body, health, my husband, my house, etc. and I am very grateful. It is a state of joy. Before I was very depressed.”
“Another effect of this Homa fire is that it improved the relationship with my husband. We feel very close and harmonious now. We forgot about the many differences we had. Our relationship is very, very harmonious; he is more loving and attentive.”