Miriam Farro Quica
EsSalud Hospital Marino Molina,
Comas, Lima, Peru
"I am 46 years old. My father had heart surgery and could not walk for two months. He is 86 years old. He was given lots of medication. Since I know Christian Alvaro Vasquez for many years as a physical therapist, I asked him to treat my fathers’ legs, because he was in a very delicate state due to varicose veins.
Christian recommended to practice Homa Therapy with him, since he could not do much physical therapy in this condition. |
So we did the Homa fires and my father started taking a lot of Agnihotra ash. And suddenly his legs began to loosen up and he started walking, at first holding onto the walls. Now he walks normally. He does not use a cane or crutches, nothing.
I also had another experience with a dwarf aloe vera plant, which usually does not exceed 10 cm in height. But, after giving it some Agnihotra ash, it has grown to about 30 cms of height. And it is supposedly a dwarf plant." (Photo: Miriam Farro Quica) |